Programs & Materials

Annunciation Heights | FIAT Fest

Graphic Design & Illustration


Sponsorship Info Flyer


Bulletin Insert

Web Banner

Society of Asian Scientist and Engineers (SASE)

Graphic Design Materials

NC2024 Prospectus Final 2.pdf
Copy of NC2023 Prospectus - V3.pdf
Copy of SASE-2023-Award-Program.pdf
Copy of SASE Pro Awards Category Descriptions 2023.pdf
Copy of SSMSA 6.pdf
SASEsalutes Career Service Award 7.pdf
Copy of SASE - Achievement Award Program - Print.pdf
Copy of SASE_NC_2018_Mockup_2.pdf

Yummy Body Nutrition

Branding & Document Design

YBN Eating Guide 5.pdf
YBN_Nutrition-Topics (1).pdf
YBN tearsheet V2 - lines.pdf
YBN brochure.pdf

Sent Evangelization

Graphic Design Materials

Sent Evangelization Booklet - Spreads.pdf